I may have discovered or stumbled upon a next "BIG THING!" If you click my link below...No one is going to "sell" you anything. You may get a cash payout though. You really need to seriously consider getting in on this, as it costs you nothing and could add some dollars to your wallet.
You are not required to do ANYTHING except add your name and email and the email of a couple of friends you want informed about this new technology! The purpose of you getting involved (besides the fact that you will get some cash) is not so you can "sell" or "buy" anything... it is so the internet company can inform folks on the WWW that the internet is changing with this new technology very soon!
This sorta works like MySpace or Facebook in that it asks you to tell your friends about their site (You and MySpace sends an invite to them.)
But this technology is far more reaching than a simple website social marketing community like Youtube, or Squidoo, or MySpace or Facebook or countless others.
This is not about one website. But it should change the internet and will definitely be sold for gazillions like they were... or become an IPO according to the inventor/founders. You see the entire internet is not currently utilizing the WEB 2.0 technologies. But that is what's about to change...
Though a little secretive at this stage... can you imagine getting in on the ground floor of Google, or Microsoft? I would've been sketchy about my details until launch time also! I can't wait! We are talking life changing stuff here. I love life changing stuff. Progress. More... Better... Faster... and that is how technology, medicine and knowledge is expounding!
Seriously, nothing is required of you except a couple of email addresses. Regardless of whether you or I sign up (well, I already did) this technology is coming down the pike and should affect the entire WWW community.
You can learn more and sign up by visiting the site NEW INTERNET - It's Coming! You have NOTHING TO LOSE and maybe some cash to gain! It truly seems to be a Win-Win for all of us.
Please just click the link and sign up with me and we'll do this thing together!
Your friend Mia
Hey, Mia.
I was just now cruising along amongst blogger blogs and here you are. I like the name Mia as well as the title of your ebook 21st C. Capitalism. Anyway, so, I took notice. And then upon scrolling down, I found that you too have become involved with CashBlasterPro and that the banner advert you chose for your weblog is my favorite one. What, have you been following me around or something? (That's suppose to be a joke, but if you don't find it funny, it's okay, I can handle it.)
Yeah, anyway, this new tech is quite exciting. I joined in as Member #7332, so not too late in the game. My own blogger blog I had only finally started more seriously when an invite popped up in my gmail inbox, and once I had taken a look at the sitcom I too jumped on board, not so much for the possibility of sharing in the million bux , but more so because of the tech itself, and so I have been promoting it on my blog more than what I started the blog for, ha ha. I hope that your are having success in building your team. So far, I am up to eight peeps in my downline, and my first Level Oner, Sally, has a couple more in her Level One than I do. Did you listen to the Father/Son concall? I live in Taiwan (since January of '79 after snagging a B.A. degree in Chinese the previous spring at the U. of Oregon [I'm a Portland lad, born and raised]) but called long distance anyhow, but it is now posted in the CBP back office. If you have not listened to it yet, I suggest that you take the time.
Alright, I guess that's enough for now. Over and out.
Iago (not his real name)
P.S. Mia, by the bye, if you have a moment, I would appreciate a visit and your cmments on my weblog. Later on. DE
Well, the Web 2.0 Upgrade doohickey went through some conniptions the lsat few days before and the first few after the so-called big launch of BuzzBot. Did you stick with it? Are you still in? There is speculation in some quarters that it is just a spam'n'scam sitcom. And even though one can now log in to the new website within which the download button/procedures may be found for little ole BuzzBot, I am gonna wait and see before downloading and installing this conceivable malicious software phishing and hacking tool onto my hard drive. The info along with the linx calling into question the tech feasibility of this piece of software to connect one's computer to a vast plethora of websites across the Netiverse in a social networking manner as well as the trustworthiness of Mr so-called Robert Kuntz and his daddy BJ Bishop are posted under Crass Bastard Ho in my blog, if you are interested.
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